Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today is my birthday! Syukur Alhamdulillah I am six this year. Next year I will go to sekolah kebangsaan..nervous? Of course…but I don’t want to think about it right now. For time being I want to enjoy my time at kindy first. Another 6-7 months aje. Thereafter mommy says tak boleh main-main sangat dah sebab sekolah kebangsaan lagi banyak homework. Hopefully I can cope it lah.

Since last month I went to mengaji...dulu I don’t want to go because I takut however now I like to go mengaji. Every day about 6pm I go to ustazah’s house nearby mak’s house. Just a walking distance. I go with kakak Elly and kakak Fateha. Sometimes Umair follow me but he likes to buat bising then I told him tak payah ikut. Nanti when Umair 5 years baru boleh mengaji. He’s very playful and a cheeky brother but I love him always.

Talking about my birthday, this year tak celebrate besar2 pun. Today mommy and daddy will buy me a cake and I will call my friends to come to mak's house. They will sing and pray the good things for me. Last night I spoke to Tok Wan and Tok. Both of them wished me happy birthday and doa for me. I am so happy.

This morning, I woke-up early and terus mandi. I know my parents wondering why I'm so happy and rajin to mandi pagi. Kan today my birthday..so kena lah bangun pagi2 dan ceria2. This morning also, my mommy kissed me and doa for me. I love you mommy, love you daddy.

Daddy asked me what present I want for my birthday. I said anything can.. but preferably kasut roda..hehe. That day masa pergi beli birthday present for Umair, I saw a pair of kasut roda in pink color..I wish I can have it as my birthday present. Oh last nite..I pun spoke to ayah long (he is mommy's big brother). He wished me happy birthday too..and he wants to buy me a present. I loikeee...
On coming Saturday, he invited us for makan-makan sempena my birthday, umair's and mommy's. Three in one. Ya..mommy's birthday is around the corner too.

Ok yer..nayli have to go now. Pardon me for my broken English and bahasa rojak ya! Salam. Bye.

For those yang tak kenal nayli..ni haa..nayli yasmin.

tak percaya? tu lah nayli masa baby..sangat tembam :)

nayli now...... :)


LiLa said...

Happy Birthday dear... be a good daughter ye...don't noty2.

p/s: lain betul muka nayli waktu kecik ...

rasp said...

sis, she is soooooo adorable dari kecik....tapi tu la, masa kecik2 bam bam, dah besar mesti pandai nak jaga badan tu, gegirl kan gitu...

☆ lieya latif ☆ said...

hepi besdei little cute nayli!!!

sweet tgk dari baby sampai laa 6 tahun.....kiut tetap same ...auww!!

selamat hari lahir sayang..semoga berjaya dunia dan akhirat....

lily lotus said...

happy birthday sweet girl :)

a-as said...


auntie lila, auntie rasp, auntie lieya & auntie lily...thank you so much for all the wishes..I lap u!

-princess nayli- :D

vagg© said...

nayli... happy birthday, dear!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker