Alhamdulillah today I sampai rumah quite early. Dah letih 3 hari lepas asyik balik lambat jer. Sometimes we have no choice..demi anak2, demi nak mencari rezeki etc kena banyak sacrifice…kan!
Course is over today. It was a fruitful course even thought ada setengah2 topic tu make me so mengantuk sebab less related ngan my work scopes. Tp gagahkan jugak mata ni.
Nature of my work is insurance. Well, bila inform I kerja kat insurance company, most people ingat I jual motor insurance or life insurance. Lebih2 lg kalau makcik2 tanya kerja kat mana? Susah betul I nak explain. Saya kerja kat insurance company.. makcik. Pastu makcik pun kata kete, insurance nyawa tu ke?.
Kalau I malas nak bercerita panjang I iye kan je..fullstop..huhu kejam kan! Tak lah of course I begitau politely.
Actually Insurance tu macam2 classes dan sangat luas . I sekarang kerja kat reinsurance company. Still baru gak be exact setahun 3 bulan. Kalau nak tahu reinsurance tu ialah insuring the insurance company a.k.a insurer.
Contohnya ABC insurance company insured Fire insurance for KLCC. Knowing KLCC tu besar so the Insured value pun mesti lah besar. In this case, for securing purposes ABC insurance definitely need to transfer sebahagian of the risk to another party. That party is known as reinsurer. Kalau ada loss pun the loss will be shared. Camtu la lebih kurang.
Tapi biasanya bab2 reinsurance arrangement diluar pengetahuan Insured/client. Yang dorang tahu dorang beli insurance & ada protection. Peace of mind gitu…
Camane I terjebak kerja in insurance field ni? semuanya berlaku coincidently 11-12 years ago lepas habis dah lama gak la..can tell my age (alaa.. I dun mind pun kat my profile shows my age ok, tak yah susah2 kira hehe..)
My first job was kat Insurance company. Kalau u all pernah dengar Ace insurance, that was my 1st company yg I kerja. I grew there for 8 years plus. Then I decided to make a move and joint a reinsurance broker. That was started my turning point. Tak lama only 1 ½ years but banyak I belajar about reinsurance kat situ and definately a good add on to me as well.
After that I joint this company..the third destination. That’s my career cycle yg biasa2 compared to all of you yg mesti lebih happening.
Now I quite settle down far so good-lah. During 4 days course which held kat pacific regency in jalan P. Ramlee sana nun, I take the chance to meet old friends from Ace sebab office dorang pun nearby. So fun dapat jumpa balik, breakfirst sama2, bercerita macam2 for 4 days in a row. refresh the memory.
Eh panjang pulak berceloteh..alkisahnya macam tu lah...
Arrgh! hardly can’t wait for the weekend, nak rest my mind. Rasa2nya I wanna have a retail therapy la..kat mana tak tahu lagi tp kat dlm kepala ni this time looking for shuz pulak. Huhu.. one of way to get my mind rested! Same as most of you kan..kan..
have a nice weekend guys!